Tech Timeline

  • Movie Projector

    Movie Projector
    Watching movies at school.
  • TV

    4 channels. ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS.
  • Ditto Machine

    Ditto Machine
    Best smelling copies ever. I was always so excited when I got to go make dittos for my teachers.
  • Overhead Projectors

    Overhead Projectors
    A little PTSD from my high school math class. But, I used these for the first few years of teaching, too.
  • VCR

    Movie night! Be kind, please rewind! I worked at the video store in town and spent many days rewinding videos.
  • Word Processor

    Word Processor
    My college roommate had one of these and it was so nice.
  • Email

    I started using email during my junior year in college to write my brother's best friend in Japan.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    I used these to save my college papers on. But, I also taught high school students how to use them until about 2003. Pretty rough when you'd lose one of these babies or if you left them in your car.

    GPS. You were totally 'lit if you had this. Loved the drums that played when you turned the device on.
  • Pinterest

    I joined Pinterest back in the day when you had to be INVITED by a friend who was already a member.