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Tech Timeline

  • First Cassette Player

    First Cassette Player
    My first cassette player was a Fisher Price player that looked just like this. I thought I was so cool!
  • CD/Cassette Player

    CD/Cassette Player
    Moving up in the world! I would sit by the radio waiting for my favorite songs to come on so I could record them.
  • First Family Gaming Console

    First Family Gaming Console
    We loved the Nintendo, even though we only had a couple games.
  • CD Walkman

    CD Walkman
    I was so excited to get my CD Walkman so I could listen to my own music on long car rides.
  • Type Writer

    Type Writer
    What I wrote most of my high school reports on.
  • First Own TV

    First Own TV
    I got a TV for my bedroom when I was 16.
  • First Family Computer

    First Family Computer
    I had no idea how to use this thing.
  • Kindle

    I got my first e-reader when I was in my early 20's. I still like to read a good old paperback occasionally.
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    I got my first cell phone when I was 22. It was my mom's old phone that I used for emergencies while commuting to Nephi for my internship. It was a brick!
  • Flat Screen TV

    Flat Screen TV
    I got my first flat screen TV when I was about 23.
  • Flip Phone

    Flip Phone
    I felt pretty good getting this flip phone after the "brick".
  • First iPod

    First iPod
    My first (and only) iPod was a nano.
  • Smart Phone

    Smart Phone
    I finally upgraded to a smart phone!
  • blueray player

    blueray player
    We just got our first blueray player a few years ago. Still don't know if it's worth paying extra for the blueray DVDs.
  • Wii

    A few years ago I got a Wii. My daughter and I enjoy play Mario Karts and Just Dance together.