Tech Invention

  • Social media

    Facebook(Meta) is one of the giant that started rolling the wheel for social media, changing the way human connecting ,sharing and communicating
  • Cloud Computing

    AWS was one of the rare product from, originally created to support its giant e-commerce database. However, turns out to be the most used cloud service in the entire planet
  • Smartphone

    iPhone was first introduce in 2007 despite of being late to the game. It became the standard of the industry and change the way we using cellphone forever
  • EV Car and Autonomous Driving Software

    Despite of being introduced in 1890. EV car is not fully developed both practical and enjoyable until 2010 with Tesla started the fire. 99% of automakers converting to EV and developing their own autonomous self driving software
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

    Machine learning has been a hot topic over the last decade, since it could apply to every aspect of any business. Despite being introduced in 1952, it hasn't been taken off until recently with openAI