tech in the classroom

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    Exploring the History of Technology in Education

  • The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) is established in Fairfax County, focusing on science, mathematics, and technology education.

  • The first personal computers start to become available in Richmond, sparking interest in home computing.

  • Richmond sees the establishment of its first technology-focused companies, contributing to the city's growing tech sector.

  • Microsoft releases Windows 1.0.

  • The first website goes live, marking the beginning of the World Wide Web.

  • Apple's iPhone is introduced, leading to a surge in mobile technology usage around the world.

  • Virginia Governor Timothy Kaine announces a partnership with Google to make state and local government information more accessible online

  • Virginia Tech opens the Innovation Campus in Alexandria, focusing on technology education and research.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates remote work and digital transformation efforts, impacting the technology landscape in the United States

  • Richmond embraces 5G technology, enhancing mobile connectivity and paving the way

  • Quantum computing continues to advance, with companies like IBM and Google making significant progress.