Tech I owned

  • 2007

    The year I was allowed to have my first phone. While the battery went out quick and it had no data I still cherished it regardless and spent many hours just messing with the little it would allow me to do
  • 2009

    My first ever console the Wii. Before this I really didn't know much about gaming, exclusives, or even much about tech to be completely honest, This machine was probably what got me truly interested in tech in the first place.
  • 2013

    After the Wii finally gave out my mom unintentionally got me the ps3 over the ps4, but even then I still loved it and started trying any games I can play on it that weren't mostly just Nintendo exclusives for once.
  • 2016

    Finally after so many years I was able to play with my friends online even when we didn't have time to meet up face to face thanks to being on the same generation console. Even to this day i still have this version sitting at home and plugged in if I ever wish to play it
  • 2021

    The first system I was able to buy with my own money. While I have bought my own phone, paying some bills, or even some other minor things, being able to buy the latest thing on the market so early while so expensive even if it's considered market price was still something special to me.