Tech connect Final

  • Google site

    We learned how to make a website which was pretty cool because i never knew how to make one myself. My website was about music and some top remixs
  • i Movie

    We worked on an app on ipads called i movie which lets you create a movie from scratch. I liked this project because it was fun and easy to do and my movie was over the xbox 360
  • DropBox

    Dropbox is a app and website where you can store music photos and documents. I liked this because we could store anything on this website and sign in somewhere else to use the info
  • Tech jobs

    We talked about 3 technology jobs and typed up what the job was. the one i was interested in was 3D animation artist.
  • Digital citizen ship

    This was interesting because we talked about all the laws on the internet.
  • Ipad vs Galaxy

    We went on google drive and wrote down what was better between ipad and galaxy. I prefer Ipad because its faster. i like iTunes store and ipad itself because its easier to navigate.
  • Galaxy tablet movie

    we made a movie on the galaxy tablets. My movie was about breakdancing. I didnt really like the galaxy because i couldnt find a way to import music. The app i used was movie maker
  • Sitemap

    We looked up about a person and created a document about thier life. I did mike Tyson it was pretty cool to find out some things i didnt know about him like he never did much weights mostly pushups and stuff like that.
  • opertaing systems

    Learned the difrent versions of the Mac's operating sytems like Mac OS mountain lion was one of them,
  • Web 2.0

    There are many web 2.0 tools that everyone uses daily like instagram twitter facebook. My web 2.0 website was photobucket which lets you store photos and make a poster
  • 1 to 1

    we did a project about every student getting a laptop and we wrote a document about how we could pay for it and how it would be useful. i think we should become a 1-to-1 school because it would be much easier for students to organize thier documents and figure their grades out
  • Tutor Sites

    we looked up websites that helped a student with what ever class they need help with. you can find tutor sites from 1st grade to college. Sites that where free and cost money
  • Time line

    We looked up many sites. This website time toast helps out alot if you need to do presentations of events in the past to the present.
  • Computer languges

    We learned that everything from a computer to a hand held device is based of a computer language. I learned that many games are based off of java script
  • Promethean Board

    We learned cool ways how to use the board. We found out you can do alot on it like, Play games, Play music , and ect