Tech Comm Significant events

  • Creation of Google

    Creation of Google
    the search engine used by most people . everything that i search is through this search engine, it makes my life much easier
  • Skype

    skype made it easier to comunicate for people at far diffrences. this made it easier for me to chat with my friends when i couldnt be with them
  • First Apple Ipod

    First Apple Ipod
    i got the first apple ipod shuffle the year it came out for my birthday and it made music easier to listen too
  • YouTube

    the most famous video sharing website, made so anyone can make videos of anything from anywhere in the world. youtube was significant to me because this is where i learned how to do makeup
  • first macbook

    first macbook
    i got the macbook at in may of 2010, and it was the coolest thing and it made papers easier to write and it was fun to play games on
  • Facebook

    the launch of facebook made social networking on the map. social media is a very importiant because it fuels how we comunicate today
  • first ipod touch

    first ipod touch
    i got the ipod touch after my dad got the first iphone and then all i wanted after that was the newest model of apple products
  • Ipad

    the first ipad, shifted the apple products, this made school work much easier. i pads made doing my school work much easier
  • my first iphone

    my first iphone
    i bought my first iphone myself, and it was the best day of my life even though i craked it a few months later but since then i have bought all my own phones and laptops
  • instagram was made

    instagram was made
    i made an instagram i 7th grade and i have been obsesed wit hit ever since, it keeps me conected with people everywhere