Tech and its Advancements

  • J-SH04

    The Sharp J-SH04 was introduced in November of 2000, making it the first camera phone available to the public but it was only available in Japan. This was a huge milestone and the start of what would become known as "selfies."
  • DiskOnKey

    The first USB flash drive was sold in the U.S by company IBM which they named “DiskOnKey.” It had 8 megabytes. This changed our lives in an amazing aspect. Being able to secure your data in a small portable device made it a lot more accessible and convenient for business.
  • Xbox

    Xbox was presented in November 2001. Xbox made a great impact on the gaming community. Presenting gamers with another option for gaming solely through microsoft.
  • Macbook

    The original Macbook was presented in May of 2006. The macbook changed the way some of us would study and do business. Its easy display made it very user friendly and convenient to most.
  • Iphone

    The first Iphone was presented June of 2007. The Iphone will change how we take pictures and utilize applications. It was also more user friendly for most.