Project Log (inquiry)
We create a popplet where we came up with ideas so that we would have the rough ideas and zoom in to the point factors by factors. Timeline are created to guide us so that we do not exceed the time given and we will try to complete the task given by specific date and time, Skeleton of webpage are created to give us a rough idea of how our webpage will look like and what information to be placed in. -
Research on Past Hospitality (analysis)
We researched more about the past hospitality to have a better understanding of how different the past and current hospitality is like. We research on what past hospitality is about, barriers faced in the past, expectations that people have for hospitality in the past, and technology & services they have in the past. -
Research on current hospitality (analysis)
We researched more about the current hospitality to have a better understanding of how different the past and current hospitality is link to. We research on what current hospitality is about, whether there is any barriers faced, expectations that people have for hospitality, and technology & services they have now compared to the past -
1st Draft of the website (Inference)
We've actually compiled the whole research done by all our group members and placed them into microsoft word. This aid us in having all the research done. This draft gives us a clearer view on what research we have and what we do not have. Therefore, minimizing the job scope that we've to do later on. -
Meeting with Group Members (arguement)
We meet up to discuss about the project like what information we lacks in our webpage, and what we can do to improve on our webpage -
Create Evaluation Checklist (Inquiry)
We've done a 10 question survey for our classmate to complete so as to get first-hand information.As they are doing the same project as us, we will be able to better ourselves by evaulating our differences with their project and being able to update our webpage with the essential findings. We consolidate the survey results and make changes to how we could better improve our webpage. -
Individual respond & Update webpage (inference)
Individual respond of maximum 250 words on the qualities we possess in hospitality sectors.And also update our webpage with relevant information -
Presentation of Project (arguement)
Make minor changes to our website