The Original Calculator
The original calculator was the abacus. Created in China in the 9th century.
http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/handcalculator.htm -
The Chalkboard
A technological innovation was introduced to classrooms and had quite the impact. Initially referred to as invaluable and ignored by alot of teachers early on. The chalkboard was very important indeed. -
The first typewriter to become successful was invented in 1887 https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-history.html -
Period: to
Activity Theory (AT)
A Soviet psychological meta-theory, paradigm or framework with its roots in socio- cultural approach. Former USSR widly used this program.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_education_terms_(A%E2%80%93C) -
Motion Picture
Thomas Eddison said "Books will soon be obsolete in the schools" and "our school system will be completely changed in ten years" (pg 187) -
Electronic Calculator
Typically a portable device used to preform calculations.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculator -
Overhead Projector
The overhead projector is a variant of slide projector that is used to display images to a class room.
https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2013/02/vision-learning-history-classroom-projectors -
The Floppy Disk
Invented at IBM as well by Alan Shugart in 1967. Used in a computer for the first time in 1991.
https://computer.howstuffworks.com/floppy-disk-drive1.htm -
Microcomputers became affordable in the last 1980's. Products were introduced to students and certain visionaries predicted the end of the classroom, similar to Edison's over statement about motion picture. (Pg. 187) -
Personal Computer
The development of the Personal computer kicked off quickly in the early 80's -
In the 1980's laptop computers were becoming more popular. The first models weighing 14 pounds. Present day laptops are much lighter at around a pound.
https://www.businessinsider.com/the-first-laptop-2011-6 -
Understanding Computers
The 1983 A Nation at Risk report called for all high school graduates to be both able to use and understand computers. (page 190) -
Microsoft Word
Invented in October 1983 for xenix and MS-DOS. Changing the way papers were turned in forever.
http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1857340_1857341_1857347,00.html -
Microsoft Paint
Introduced in 1985. A preloaded program on PC computers used to paint with clicking and dragging the mouse.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/0/best-art-made-using-microsoft-paint/this-drawing-from-hines-shows-microsoft-co-founder-bill-gates-ho/ -
Graphing Calculator
The Graphing calculator was invented in 1985. The dominate calculator of classrooms for the last 30 years. -
Microsoft Powerpoint
Slide show software invented 1987https://www.britannica.com/technology/Microsoft-PowerPoint -
Anti-bias curriculum
An active/activist approach in education that challenges interlocking systems of oppression such as racism, sexism, ableism/disablism, ageism, homophobia, and all the other -isms.
The objective of this approach to teaching is to eliminate bias found in various institutions.
https://www.teachingforchange.org/teacher-resources/anti-bias-education -
Project CHILD
Project CHILD is a major research project designed to develop an innovative computer integrated instructional project designed a high level computer system for Elementary school students.(Page 209) -
Dry Erase Boards
All-tough chalk boards are still commonly used in especially older class rooms. New schools tend to use dry erase boards. A white laminate surface covers the from of the class room. Using non permanent marker. Similar use to a chalk board.
https://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/classroom-resources/the-history-of-the-classroom-blackboard/ -
Smart Boards
An interactive whiteboard created in 1991. Taking some time to become common place in class rooms today.
https://www.techwalla.com/articles/what-is-the-history-of-the-smart-board -
Zoombinis (educational games)
In the late 1990's educational gaming became more relevant. My personal favorite from 5th grade was Zoombinis. Created in 1996.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoombinis -
A device used in class rooms for a short time in the early 2000's. Used for, note taking and email. -
Flash Drive
IBM created the first USB to sell in the United States in 2000. Initial storage was 8 MB.
https://www.techwalla.com/articles/the-history-of-usb-flash-drives -
No child left behind
Twenty years after "A Nation at Risk" report called for students to be conformable with computers, No child left behind continued to reinforce this. (page 190) -
Laptop Carts
Carts of laptops that connect to the internet wirelessly and can be rolled into a classroom. (Page 212) -
National Education Technology Plan (NTEP)
NTEP was published calling for a "revolutionary transformation rather then evolutionary tinkering" Clearly integrating technology into schools is no small talk. (Page 190) -
Digital Text Books
Starting around 2010 Online textbooks started to become much more accessible and cheaper then actual physical books.
https://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2018/05/01/publishers-race-reduce-costs-digital-textbooks -
Electronic Grade Books
Online record of their students' lesson plans. Around 2010 the British Government agency for ICT in education, BECTA, put in place a requirement for all grades to be online. -
Tablet sales to the K-12market exploded 340 percent between 2011 and 2012 (page 212) -
Chronozoom is able to show how vast and complex history actually is in a way that allows students to soft through information and see the depth and scope of history. (Page 214) -
A after school program based out of Los Angeles CA. (page 217) -
Learn NC
Learn NC is a outreach initiative of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It is a Web sight that hosts free resources for teachers, and offers online professional development. -
National Educational Technology Standards
(NETS-T) Most states have included technology components as part of their licensure requirements. Lower level schools have trouble finding technology competent teachers. (page 215) -
Technology intergration
Technology has continued to be integrated into schools though out time. From chalk boards to Tablets. -
Digital Protractor
Used to measure specific angles with less work then standard protractors.