Latin Grammer Schools
A latin grammer school was their foren language the kids had to learn. All our words come from latin so boys would go to school to learn latin so they know where our words come from and their meaning. -
Massachusetts Act of 1642
This act gave parents the choice to decide to continue their children to be educated at home or at school. At home, the parents would teach their kid what they wanted him to learn but at school they would pay for a teacher to teach their kid god education. Sometimes it varied if the family had money or not. -
Massachusetts Act of 1647
The people of Massachusetts called this act the Deluder Satan Act because education was seen as the best protection against he wiles of the devil. In particular, towns of 50 house holdes or more where to appoint o a person to instruct all kinds of ages of children. -
Reading and writting schools
Reading and writting schools were for little boys who wished to further their career so they had schoosl that taught them the basics, reading and writing. -
New England Primer
A primer introduced children to the letters of the alphabet through the use of illustrative woodcutes and rhymed couplets. -
1704 First Education for African Americans
One of the first schools for african americans was started by Elias Neau in New York. Her schools taught african americans how to read. -
Sarah Pierces Mission For Youth Girls
Most colleges out in the 1700's were only for men. Sarah Pierces didnt think tht was right so she made a college for only girls. She started out with only two students but ended up with one hundred and fourty students. -
Benjamin Franklins Proposal For Education in 1751
Benjamin Franklin Proposed to the education of youth in Pennsylvania, written in 1749. He wanted kids to learn different languages other than just Latin. -
Thomas Jefferson's Philosophy of a "Uniform System of Public Schools".
Thomas Jefferson wated elementery schools to cost nothing for the first three years so all kids could get an education. Even the ones who could afford it would still get one. But the state didnt approve of it so it never happend. -
Webster Dictionary
Noah Webster created a book full of words, prenouceations, and defanitions for those who were learning grammer. -
Who Was in Favor of Common Schools?
City Schools
Non Tax Payers
Demographics Leaders
Working People
Mampers Of Venous School Societies -
Horace Mann
Horace Mann thinks teachers arn't getting paid enough money so he propses that teachers gets a higher pay for all they really do for society. -
What Does Kindergarden Mean?
The word Garden is the latin word for grow and so kinder means kids. There fore kindergarden means growing kids. -
Kinds Of Activities that Kinderardners Should Be Able to Do In Schools.
Language Activities -
The National Education Association
This was founded in 1857. It focused on greek, latin, english and other Modern Lanuages, mathmatics, physics, astronay and chemistry, natural history, civil goverment, and political science and geography. -
Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862
It provided federal land fo states either to sell or to rent in order to raise funds for establishment of college argiculature and mechanical art. -
NEA's Committee of Fifteen
They focused on the elemtary curriculum and went around to all the basic subjects such as grammer, lituture, arithmetic, geography, and history. -
What Were Two Purposes for John Dewey's Lab School?
1.) To exhibit, test, verify and criticize theoretical statement and principles.
2.) To add to the sum of facts and principles in its special line with question marks, rather than fixed rules. -
When Woman Started To Get Jobs.
Woman were now able to get jobs as teachers as long as they were not married. They would not ever get married and they had a list of rules they had to follow to stay in the educatin world. The woman teachers got to come into the world of teaching only because the world of education was desperate for new teachers. -
What was Progressivism?
Progressivism is a based on the belief tht life is evolvong in a positive direction the people may be trusted to act in their own best intrest and the education should focus on the chilfren and what is best for them and their intrests. -
Comparison to Progressive Philosophy if Education Vs. Different Education Philosophys
Progessive is all about the intrest of the kids vs. Educational which is all about what is best for the ids to learn. -
GI Bill of Rights
Another way to support education. provides veterans with payment for tuition and colleges to go to. -
Special Quote
"The 1950's can be characterized as a war between US and Soviet school systems- each trying to educate the best scientists and engineers for the development of military technology." -
Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka
The supreme court has decided to not bring an immediate end to segregate schools. -
Why was desegregation needed?
To show people it doesnt matter to much that african americans and white people are in the same building togeather. -
How Did Education Philosophy Change In The 1960's?
More kids have ended up graduating and going to high levels for school. -
What Happend in the 1970's education
Title IX : which gets ride of the sex discrimanation. -
How Did The Report Or 1980 Impact The Public Education?
Sujested fixing the academic curriculim in high school. -
What Is The Innovative Responses To Challenges In Public Education.
1.) Greater Diversity
2.) Greater Intrnational Compition
3.) Less Support For Public Educaters
4.) Decentralization
5.) Dergulation of Schools -
Special Quote:
"It is a world of intensifying and rapid change...Characterized by new technologies, greater cultural diversity, restructured approaches to administration and management, and more sophisticated knowledge base about teaching and learning".