Teaching and technology

Teaching and Technology

By bbraman
  • Started Teaching

    Started Teaching
    I started teaching in August 2004. At that time, I only had one computer in my classroom. It was primarily used by me and I used it for email only.
  • Hudson Elementary Remodel Started

    Hudson Elementary Remodel Started
    It was an exciting time at our school as we began our remodel. Each classroom got a fresh coat of bright paint, new carpet, whiteboards, and a SMARTBOARD. It was great to add new technology in our classroom with the addition of the SMARTBOARD. We were able to do interactive websites for centers. We also each got a geothermal unit in our classroom that allowed us to control the air conditioning and heat in our individual classrooms.
  • Remodel continued

    Remodel continued
    With the remodel, they distributed desktops evenly between classrooms. We each ended up with a total of three. One was connected to the smartboard. This created a problem during centers because we could either do computers or use the smartboard. Even doing centers at the computer I would have 2 students working together. It was not the best way to use technology but it was all we had at the time.
  • Computer Lab

    Computer Lab
    When the 2nd phase of our remodel was finished we had added a computer lab. Our lab is within our IMC. We had the opportunity to be able to sign up to work on the computers. Our 4th and 5th grade teachers dominated the lab and we often did not get much time in there. The following year we created a sign up so that each classroom could have 30 minutes assigned a week to use the lab.
  • Laptop Cart Arrives

    Laptop Cart Arrives
    We were given 2 laptop carts to our school that our PTO purchased. We had 60 laptops that were split by 12 teachers. It was getting better to be able to use technology but it was still hard to get time with everyone wanting to use them. We also had wifi issues at our school being in so far from the school server.
  • Teacher Laptops

    Teacher Laptops
    Each teacher in our district was issued a personal laptop. This made life a lot easier with being able to create activities on the smartboard and responding to parent emails. I feel like this was a turning point for me and using technology more.
  • Generous PTO

    Generous PTO
    Our PTO purchased 5 Ipads for our K-2 teachers to use in their room. I was able to incorporate using these during guided reading, book nook time, and math stations. It was nice to be able to start using these with my students and the different things we were able to do with them increased our use of technology in the classroom.
  • Laptop Cart Added

    Laptop Cart Added
    This year we were given 30 laptops to have in our hallway to share between 6 classrooms. This has been a great addition as we can now do whole class activities. Our 4th and 5th grade classrooms have enough computers in their wing that we do not have to fight to sign up using the ones they have.
  • Current Classroom

    Current Classroom
    In my current classroom, we use the computer lab, Ipads for stations, the smartboard, document camera, laptops in the classroom, and we even have our own phone in the room. Out of all of those the one thing that my students don't know how to use is...the TELEPHONE!!! Ugh. I guess they are still learning how to use the "old" technology!