Art of teaching quote 1

Teacher History

  • Period: to

    5 Points in the History of Teaching

  • National Teacher Association founded

    National Teacher Association founded
    In 1857, on a summer evening, the National Teachers Association formed and was the largest labor union in the United States. It fought for the rights of teachers and improved conditions in the profession. I believe this association is connected with the NEA as well.
  • Brown vs Board of Education decision

    Brown vs Board of Education decision
    Court gave the landmark ruling in favor of desegregation on the grounds that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal since they deprive minority students equal educational opportunities essential to their success in life.By ruling in favor of Linda Brown, the Court affirmed that education is a fundamental right that must be protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, and that separate public schools for blacks violate the provision in the Constitution for equal protection of rights.
  • Higher Education Act of 1965

    Higher Education Act of 1965
    The Higher Education Act of 1965 was a legislative document that was signed into law on November 8, 1965 ³tostrengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for studentsin postsecondary and higher education´
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
    In 1975 fewer than half of all children with known physical, developmental, and emotional disabilities were receiving a public or private school education. Part of the act's purpose was to increase opportunity for this underserved population; another purpose was to provide better education for those already in the system. A student in a wheelchair could not be deprived of physical education classes under this act; the classes must be modified to meet his need and to be "appropriate" and "fair."
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Americans united behind a revolutionary idea: every child can learn. The law confirms that as a nation, we will not accept a public school system that educates only a portion of its children. NCLB recognizes what truly makes a difference in providing a quality education. It calls for a highly qualified teacher in the core subjects in every classroom; the use of proven, research-based instructional methods; and timely information and options for parents. Schools that underperform are held account