
TE 302 at MSU!

  • Snow Day

    Snow Day
    Let it go!No class!
  • Period: to

    Timeline of TE 302

    This is a timeline describing the events and assignments for TE 302.
  • Stacy's Birthday!

    Stacy's Birthday!
  • Taylor's Birthday

    Taylor's Birthday
  • Microteach!

    We teach or lessons today!
  • Talking About Our Texts!

    Project Description
    This assignment will give you an opportunity to supplement your traditional classroom texts with less traditional, student-centered texts (song lyrics/music, film, magazine article, photos, etc.), connecting to student discourses and funds of knowledge, and allowing your students multiple vantage points on the content, concepts, and skills of your classroom. create a “text set” by pairing it with a less traditional
  • Stacy and Taylor Present!

    Stacy and Taylor Present!
  • Student Voices Survery

  • Final Essay Draft for Workshopping

  • Finals Essay! Artifact Presentation!