TCH 208 Timeline

  • My First Word "Ball"

    My First Word "Ball"
    My first word was ball, and coming from a family where me and all my brothers played multiple sports, this is not uncommon!
  • Green Eggs and Ham. By Dr. Seuss

    Green Eggs and Ham. By Dr. Seuss
    The first book i ever remember reading all by myself was green eggs and ham when i was in kindergarten.
  • Cursive License

    Cursive License
    In the second grade i was not aloud to write in cursive because i did not have my cursive license yet. I remembered this really bothered me because i had already learned how to write in cursive but my teacher didn't give me my "license" yet.
  • Brotherly Reading

    Brotherly Reading
    I used to read to my little brother every night even though my reading wasn't the best and i miss pronounced a lot of the words.
  • Reading Development

    Reading Development
    As i learned how to read and write my dad would always correct me the second i said anything in correctly. He would always say "im not correcting you, im helping you".
  • Wrote MY First Book

    Wrote MY First Book
    In the 4th grade we made our own books and got them "published". This was the corner stone of my imagination and creativity starting to blossom.
  • Computer Language

    Computer Language
    In 5th grade i was introduced to computer language, such as how to type and how to make sense of what i was seeing on the actual computer screen.
  • Analytical Reading

    Analytical Reading
    In 7th grade we started to dissect books and read them more so for their meaning rather than just reading the words.
  • Texting Language

    Texting Language
    In 7th grade for my birthday i got my first phone and was exposed to this new "Texting" Language that is so crazily popular today.
  • Citations

    In my freshman year of high school i learned how to cite sites. Such as sources for writing papers. This was something that was also super new and different for me!
  • Learning To Drive

    Learning To Drive
    I am putting this on hear because learning to drive was similar to learning Spanish, its like learning another language with all the street signs, how to park..etc And being able to associate different color and shaped signs with the corresponding meanings.
  • Foreign Language

    Foreign Language
    My freshman year of high school i took a Spanish 1 class, and learned a new language. At the time this was the hardest class i had ever taken and the language barrier really pushed me.
  • Higher Level Writting

    Higher Level Writting
    My freshman year of college i was really pushed to make my writing stronger and better to develop professional level writting skills.