My birthday
I was born at 10:30pm. I was a very unexpected child and i woke my mom up so that i could be born. It was cold and snowy, my mom was very calm when having me which was very surprising. i was her third kid . She wasn't put on pain medication. this shapes who i am because that day was the day i entered the world and knew that i was going to have a purpose. -
Hurricane Katrina
My first swimming classes
When i was younger everyone knew that there was something different about me and we all knew that i was going to be competitive and sporty. Everyone also knew there was something wrong with my legs after i was put in my first swimming classes. This shaped me because in my first round of swimming classes i learned that you have to be persistent and keep trying no matter how hard it gets. I learned to be a lot tougher the most kids my age with my same issues. i learned the keep going. -
Little brothers birthday
My little brother was planned on being born soon enough so my mom sent my sister and i to my grandmas house. i remember getting a call in the middle of the night of my parents telling me my little brother was going to be born. This shaped me as a person because i never really expected to have a younger sibling because i was the youngest until i was 5 and i thought that was gonna be it. He has shown me that you have to be nice to everyone and that blood is most definitely thicker than water. -
Barack Obama wins presidency
Navy seals take down osama bin laden
First time being a cheerleader
My first knee surgeries
We had finally figured out that there was something wrong with my knees after we learned that i had bilateral patella and my tendons were in the wrong spots. This caused me to collapse and made it hard to run. I was very nervous to get my first surgery and i didnt know what to expect because i've never even broken a bone. It made me a very strong person because the road to recovery is very long, hard, and painful -
My last knee surgeries.
My knee surgeries were a very long trip by now. a lot of pain and knowing that it wouldn't go away for a little while. i had screws in my legs already stumping my growth and now i had to get all of the plates and screws taken out and i would finally be semi normal. I was put under the anesthetics for too long and could have die because of it. I have been shaped by that ad it reflects on me now because i'm making a lot of progression i wouldn't have made without them. -
"first love"
First Softball tryouts
First day of highschool
first concert