Taylor's Goals Timeline

  • Graduate From RCS

    Graduate From RCS
    I plan on graduating Roxboro Community School in June of 2017.
  • College Exceptance

    College Exceptance
    I plan on attending PCC for 2 years then transferring to maybe Wingate or UNCG. I am going to school and getting my EMT-B and Degree in Science of Nursing.
  • Getting into MED School

    Getting into MED School
    After I get out of PCC and transfer I hope to get into MED School and pass my boards.
  • Graduate College

    After I pass my boards and finish school I will be ready to graduate and go work.
  • Find A Job

    After I graduate I hope to find a job working at a hospital in the ER.
  • Family And Financial Plan

    In the years that follow I hope to start my own family and have figured out my financial plan and have no debt and be on a good road to paying off my student loans.