Taxation and Mercantilism: Belief in Benefits of profitable trading

  • French and Indian War/ 7 Years War

    Britain went into debt because the colonies didn’t pay for their own protection
  • Proclamation of 1763

    A proclamation issued by King George 3rd saying colonist couldn't expand west of Applachian mountains.
  • Quartering Act

    It requires local governments of American Colonies to provide British soldiers with food and housing.
  • Stamp Act

    A tax placed on paper products.
  • Declaratory Act

    Parliament repealed the Stamp act so this was created instead.
  • Townshend Acts

    A series of laws passed by British government to the colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    A street fight between the “patriot mob” and british soldiers.
  • Tea Act

    Britian made colonist pay taxes on tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    A protest by the colonies against the tax on tea imposed by British rule.
  • Intolerable Acts

    A punishment by the British Government to the colonies for the Boston Tea Party.
  • 1st Continential Congress

    The decided to boycott British goods.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War showed British rule that unjust behavior would not be tolerated in America.
  • 2nd Continential Congress

    Meeting of the delegates from the 13 colonies and established the continental army.
  • Olive Branch Petiton

    A final attempt by colonist to avoid war with Britain by asking for peace
  • Thomas Paine writes Common Sense

    He tried to convince the colonies to get their own government.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Congress approved final text of the declaration which would stand for America's independence.
  • The Articles of Confedration

    The original U.S. Constitution
  • Treaty of Paris

    It ended the Revloutionary War.
  • Albany Plan for the Union

    An idea created by Ben Franklin to create a government for the 13 colonies.