1200 BCE
Trojan War
Odysseus rule in the Trojan war was the horse. He devised a plan to get back on Troy. Odysseus plan was to built a big gigantic horse where every spartan solider can be inside. He wanted Troy to think it was a surrender gift. After that the plan was to ambush them. The plan worked out. Odysseus involvement was really important because it was a turning point for the Trojan war. It was also important because it show what Odysseus is capable of. Odysseus is a quick thinker. -
1200 BCE
The Odysseus and his men is on the island where Circe is. Odysseus separated the groups into two. One lead by Odysseus and the other group was lead by Eurylochus. For Eurylochus men were attracted by Circe beguiling voice. Circe was hospitable and compliment the men. The men were later fooled by Circe potion and turned the men into pigs. Eurylochus saw what happen and reported back to Odysseus. Eurylochus begged Odysseus to leave but, Odysseus refuse to leave without his men. In his journey, . -
1200 BCE
Odysseus and his men sailed over to the land of the Cyclops. They wondered over there and they came across a cave that was full of foods like cattle and sheep. His men wanted to grab the food and leave but, Odysseus decide to stay. The Cyclopes return to the cave and the Cyclopes ate a few of Odysseus men. Now Odysseus is imprisoned in the Cyclopes cave. In order to escape for the Cyclopes, they had to device a plan to stop. Odysseus convince the Cyclope to drink until he became drunk. (Continue -
1200 BCE
Cyclops (2)
When Odysseus got the Cyclopes drunk, he told the Cyclopes that his name was nobody. Odysseus stabbed the Cyclopes in the eye so the Cyclopes could not see. The next day when the rock was open , the men escaped. At the end the Cyclopes cursed Odysseus.
The importance of the story is to show how being desperate can cause great. The men so desperate consequences. Odysseus is important to the story because he shows how quick thinking is beneficial to anybody survival. -
1200 BCE
Lotus Eaters
Odysseus went to an island where there is a lot of lotus. As the men start eating the lotus, there desire to leave starts to diminish. Odysseus had to pick up his own men to leave. The importance of the lotus eaters is to teach you how desire can blind you. Odysseus tries to resist the desire because he does not want to stay in the place. The Lotus flower is represented as a drug because just as the drug, the lotus flower is bigger. -
1200 BCE
Circe (2)
Hermes gives Odysseus the molly flower to protect him from Circe power. As Odysseus went to Circe's place and she offer him a wonderful meal and service. At the same time, Odysseus is still focus on the men. Odysseus convinced Circe to free the men. The men were rejoice when they were human again. After that, Circe convinced all the men to stay and feast on Circe's food. Odysseus made a promise to Circe to help Odysseus men to go home. Circe gave Odysseus some advise on finding his home. -
1200 BCE
Circe (3)
He has a prophecy on returning home alone.
The theme of the story is to teach how strong desires can use as a disadvantage. Circe is an character that does the right thing at the end of the story. When the crew told Odysseus that they had to go, it shows that the men needs Odysseus for their survival. Circe spells is similar to the lotus flower because it both takes people desire to leave. It is also addicting. -
1200 BCE
The Bag of Wind
The wind king Aeolus gave Odysseus two presents. One present was the west wind blowing the ships towards Ithaca. The present was a bag of stormy winds. The king refuse to help Odysseus because he felt like he was cursed by the gods. While Odysseus was sleeping the began to be curious thinking the bag is gold or sliver. When they opened the bag the wind sent them to the island. The reason the king wanted the second present to be a stormy wind bag is to test his faith. The other reason is help. -
1200 BCE
Bag of Wind (2)
From the text, you can tell that the men was not faithful in Odysseus. At that point, all they cared about was gold an other riches. They were desperate. -
1200 BCE
In Odysseus journey, Circe warns Odysseus that Sirens are very beautiful creatures but they are really dangerous creatures as well. Odysseus was different from the other men. Because Odysseus was curious, he wanted to hear the songs himself. He told his men to tie him up so he does not escape. On the journey, they see the Syrians singing. Odysseus was telling the men to let him go. But, the men refuse. The men used wax to cover their ears from the Sirens. They went right passed them. -
1200 BCE
The reason Odysseus was so curious is because he never heard that sound in Iteca before. He also advice his men to wear ear wax because Odysseus doesn't want to lose his men form the sirens. Based off the the tell, we can infer that the sirens can persuade any person. In times like this, the men trust Odysseus. -
1200 BCE
Scylla and Charybdis
Circe gave Odysseus advice to overcome two more obstacles. Circe told them that Odysseus has to face Scylla. Scylla was a monster with 6 heads. Charybdis is a huge whirlpool that sucks ships up. Circe did not recommend that. At his journey, Odysseus did not say anything because he did want his plan to fail. As the battle began 6 men has been eaten by the six headed monster. Odysseus went past the obstacles. -
1200 BCE
When Odysseus arrived to his home Iteca. He found out that Peneolpe (his wife) was being messed with. Odysseus devise a plan to save Peneolpe and kill the suitors. He dress himself as an old beggar to fool the suitors. Odysseus told one of his servants that he was really Odysseus. Peneople made a contest to see if one of the suitors can shoot the bow. She knew that the suitors could not shoot the bow. It was only for Odysseus. Odysseus came to contest. All of the suitors judge Odysseus. -
1200 BCE
Odysseus dressed as a old beggar to prevent himself from getting killed by the suitors. Peneolpe made this contest to make sure she is does not get married to any of the suitors. Peneolpe is treated more like a trophy than a person. Odysseus tells two servants about his identity to make the plan successful. -
1200 BCE
Helios Cattle
Circe told Odysseus to not bother the Helios cattle. Odysseus crew did not listen to Odysseus. The ate the cattle. Helios talked with Zeus about the problem. Zeus caused doom to Odyssesus shipmates. The gods caused a stormed that killed all the crew mates. The reason Circe told them about the cattle is to warn them to not get tempted. The Cyclopes cursed Odysseus in to be alone when he arrives home. Odysseus crew became tempted because they were hungry.