Task 2 - English Literature Timeline - Daniel Hernández

  • 1660 BCE

    Restoration Age - 1660 - 1700

    Restoration Age - 1660 - 1700

    Samuel Pepys ends his diary, after only writing it for nine years 1678

    Part I of The Pilgrim's Progress, written during John Bunyan's two spells in Bedford Gaol, is published and is immediately popular 1688

    Aphra Behn's novel Oroonoko makes an early protest against the inhumanity of the African slave trade 1690

    John Locke publishes his Essay concerning Human Understanding, arguing that all knowledge is based on experience
  • 450

    Old English period - 450 - 1066

    The old English period from 450 to 1066, The Venerable Bede, in his monastery at Jarrow, completes his history of the English church and people, also we can witness the appearance of "Beowulf" a great English literature story from the Germanics
  • 1066

    Middle English I - 1066 - 1500

    Middle English I - 1066 - 1500
    1066-1500 B.C

    A narrator who calls himself Will, and whose name may be Langland, begins the epic poem of Piers Plowman

    The courtly poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight tells of a mysterious visitor to the round table of King Arthur

    Thomas Malory, in gaol somewhere in England, compiles Morte d'Arthur – an English account of the French tales of King Arthur
  • 1500

    English Renaissance - 1500 - 1660

    English Renaissance - 1500 - 1660

    William Tyndale studies in the university at Wittenberg and plans to translate the Bible into English 1549

    The first version of the English prayer book, or Book of Common Prayer, is published with text by Thomas Cranmer 1564

    Marlowe and Shakespeare are born in the same year, with Marlowe the older by two months 1567

    The Book of Common Prayer and the New Testament are published in Welsh, to be followed by the complete Bible in 1588
  • Puritan 1653 - 1660

    Puritan 1653 - 1660

    Devoted fisherman Izaak Walton publishes the classic work on the subject, The Compleat Angler 1660

    On the first day of the new year Samuel Pepys gets up late, eats the remains of the turkey and begins his diary
  • 18th Century - 1700-1798

    18th Century - 1700-1798

    The Augustan Age begins in English literature, claiming comparison with the equivalent flowering under Augustus Caesar 1710

    25-year-old George Berkeley attacks Locke in his Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge 1719

    Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe can be seen as the first English novel 1755

    Samuel Johnson publishes his Dictionary of the English Language 1791

    Scottish poet Robert Burns publishes Tam o' Shanter, where a drunken farmer has an encounter with witches
  • Romanticism - 1798-1837

    Romanticism - 1798-1837

    English poets publish Lyrical Ballads, a milestone in the Romantic movement 1836

    24-year-old Charles Dickens begins monthly publication of his first work of fiction, Pickwick Papers 1837

    Charles Dickens' first novel, Oliver Twist, begins monthly publication
  • Victorian - 1837-1901

    Victorian - 1837-1901

    In his novel, Coningsby Benjamin, develops the theme of Conservatism uniting 'two nations', the rich and the poor 1859

    Charles Darwin puts forward the theory of evolution (The Origin of Species), the result of 20 years' research 1862

    Oxford mathematician Lewis Carroll tells 10-year-old Alice Liddell, on a boat trip, a story about her own adventures in Wonderland 1884

    Oxford University publishes the A volume of its New English Dictionary, which will take 37 years to reach Z
  • Modern Literature - 1901 - 1940

    Modern Literature - 1901 - 1940

    Beatrix P. publishes at her own expense The Tale of Peter Rabbit 1915

    Somerset M. publishes his semi-autobiographical novel Of Human Bondage 1919

    In The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Maynard K. publishes a strong attack on the reparations demanded from Germany 1930

    English author W.H. Auden's first collection of poetry is published with the title Poems 1940

    Flann O'Brien's The 3rd Policeman is rejected by many publishers before becoming, decades later, his best-known novel
  • Postmoderns - 1940 - 2000


    English author Nancy Mitford has her first success with the novel The Pursuit of Love 1947

    English author and alcoholic Malcolm L. publishes an autobiographical novel, Under the Volcano 1963

    US poet Sylvia Plath commits suicide in London 1973

    British economist Ernst S. publishes an influential economic tract, Small is Beautiful 1991

    Alan B. play The Madness of George III is performed at the National Theatre in London 1992

    Thom G. The Man with Night Sweats deals openly with AIDS
  • Contemporary - Present

    Contemporary - Present

    The Amber Spyglass completes Philip Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials