Behavior observed
Very active in tank environment
Fed with tweezers in front of feeding wand
Fed from feeding wand only when food was visible
Ignored feeding wand
Touched wand, let food float out of wand before eating it
All 4 trials successful with feeding wand
Introduced ball/goal to tank
D. holocanthus will follow anything in front of the tank
Moved live rock in tank for easier access
Fed near soccer ball, wouldn't eat when ball was near wand on all 3 trials
Hovered near ball 4 times, approached ball twice, and touched the ball on the final trial
Introduced tunnel, tried to eat it, successfully swam through it
Introduced slalom, 3 successful trials
2 successful slalom trials
Failed slalom trial with no feeding wand/food, struggled to follow wand with food, very aggressive to the wand
Started training goldfish for comparison of data, goldfish all swam away from feeding wand
Touched soccer ball, won't feed from bottom of tank
Touched soccer ball twice
Slalom trials, skipped poles twice, then successfully followed wand through course
D. holocanthus found dead after jumping from tank
Failed attempt at feeding goldfish from feeding wand
Training goldfish is still a failure