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(February - March) Great festival celebrated with parades and dancing in pandillas, night of joy, marching bands, feast of the cutting the umbisha, beauty contest and election of Miss Carnival. -
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Holy Week Lamas
Traditional Christian Catholic festival celebrated with live performances of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, ends with the resurrection celebrated with the walk of Pilate. -
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Moyobamba Tourist Week
Typical foods and drinks, concentration of gangs in the Plaza de Armas, etc. -
Corpus Christi Lamas Food Festival
Expenditures on food and drinks -
In the Amazon area of Peru, Saint John the Baptist has taken on a major symbolic significance because of the importance of water as a vital element in the entire Amazon region. This is why June 24 (St. John's the Baptist's day) is the most important date on the festival calendar in the entire Peruvian jungle. -
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They give rise to the July 7 with the preemptive strike and continues through July 16. Dance pandillas concentrated in the main square and ends with duck hunting and the delivery of the "vote" to the organizers of the festival the following year. Dances and employers throughout the city. -
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Patronal Celebration Apostle Santiago / Anniversary of Foundation Española
Mass followed by a procession. -
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Anniversary of the Spanish Foundation of Tarapoto
Election and coronation srta. Tarapoto, Tourism and Sympathy; trade fair; typical foods and drinks festival; Massive marriage. -
Tarapoto, also called "the city of palms" was founded by the Spanish Bishop Baltazar Jaime Martínez de Compagnon and Bujanda on August 20, 1782 under the name of Santa Cruz Motilones of Tarapoto. -
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Tourist Week of Lamas and Patron of the Kechwa Town Center Wayku Santa Rosa Raymi
Typical foods and drinks, concentration of gangs in the Time Square, etc. -
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Anniversary of the Foundation of the Triumph of the Holy Cross of the Motilones Lamas
Mass followed by a procession; national bicycle rally; inauguration of the municipal stadium of Lamas; agroindustrial fair.