tarapoto was founded the 20 of august of 1782
by the bishop baltazar jaime martinez de compagnon y bujanda. -
On August 10, 1937, the first Tarapoto airport was inaugurated. -
in 1971 the ovelizco of the plaza de armas de tarapoto was built -
Period: to
it´s the commercial capital of San Martin, the products that they most sell are the cacao, rice and coffee.
currently count whit a population of 149875 people, been the most populated city of San martin. -
Its development is due to its good location, which allows it to be the center of commerce in the area.
without being the capital of san martin is the main city in terms of roads that are born on the coast, since it is the point of arrival of the road that are born on the coast and the exit to the central jungle -
the usually transportation is the motorbike or the mototaxi