Decloration of rights of man
The ideas contained in this decloration is from the National Assembly.They had two main goals; "Men born and remain free with equal rights. Men have liberty, property, security and resistance to opposition.' The "enduring statement" ment that women are free but the rights between man and women were not fair. -
Tennis Court Oath
The National assembly (Third Estate) was planning to have a meeting in their court room but when they arrived they found that the entrance door was locked. They needed a place to have the meeting so they broke into a tennis court. They claimed to not move out until a French Constitution was made. -
Robespeirre Comes to Power
Robespierre was elected a deputy of the Estates-General. He showed he was not a person to mess with by killing anyone for not agreeing with his ideas durring the terror. -
Storming of Bastille
The third estate belived the king would use force to regain his power. Therefore they storm the Paris prison to realese prisoners. They then turned their attention to weapons and gunpowder. They ended up stealling 30,000 lbs of gun powder. The third estate beheaded Launay and stabbed it on a pitchfor and walked through the streets. This was a symbolic revolution. -
March to Versailles
Six thousand women marched thirteen miles from Paris to Versaille in hopes of forcing King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette back to Paris. They were angry at both of them for not having good leadership qualities. -
Attack on prisons
This was also known as the september Massacure. radicals attacked several prisons in Paris which led to about 1200 prisoners dieath which was half of the prison population in Paris. The people who led these attacks were opposers of the revolution. -
The terror
The reign that Robespierre led was from September 1793 to July 1794. Revolutionary courts conducted quick "hasty" childs. They Belived it was nessasarry to achieve all goals in the revolution. By doing so, they killed all who disagreed with Robespeirre's ideas. This led to an increase in power by Robespeirre. -
Robespierre killed
Robespierre killed thousands of people only because they believed in the monarchial system. He was the creator of the reign of terror and was eventually sent to the guillotine himself in 1794 after the French turned against him.