
Symbolism and Art Nouveau

  • Reaction against Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment

    The previous movements of the century continued to have an impact on artists as many reacted against the advancement of science and technology, emphasizing the irrational and primitive with a focus on emotion.
  • Alienation of Modern Life

    All throughout this period, people adjusted to the new modern life. There was a sense of alienation that accompanied the new roles people played and a disconnect.
  • Period: to

    Symbolism and Art Noveau

    Symbolist artists, though they were not a unified group, generally focused on dreams, emption, and the irrational, seeking a deep meaning and reality. Artists of the Art Noveau movement sought to create an escape from modern life in architecture. They embraced industrially produced materials and did not emeulate historical styles.
  • Staricase in the Tassel House

    Staricase in the Tassel House
    Victor Horta, Staircase in the Tassel House, 1892-93. Brussels
  • The Scream

    The Scream
    EDVARD MUNCH, The Scream, 1893. Tempura and pastels on cardboard
  • The Cyclops

    The Cyclops
    ODILON REDON, The Cyclops, 1898. Oil on canvas
  • Turn of the Century

    The world moved into a new century and artists reacted to the change.