sylvana patto WWII

By soso18
  • Anschluss of Austria

    Anschluss of Austria
    Anschluss or union of Austria and germany.
  • Munich conference

    Munich conference
    British and french lenders again chose appeasment.
  • Nazi Soviet Pact

    Nazi Soviet Pact
    an agreement between Hitler and Stalin to keep peace between each country.
  • Blitzkricg

    Hitler invades Britain.
  • Operation Bartbarossa

    Operation Bartbarossa
    Hitler breaks the Nazi-soviet pact and invades soviet union to take their vast natural resource.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese airplans bombed the American fleet at pearl harbor in Hawaii.
  • Island Hopping Campaign

    Island Hopping Campaign
    A goal of the U.S to defeat the Japanes one island at a time and allowed them to move to north,
  • The Big 3

    The Big 3
    FDR, winston, Churchill and Joseph Stalin meet and decide to first fight the war in Europe and Japan.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The big three decided to fight Japan within 3 months of Germany's surrender.
  • D-day

    U.S invades France to defeat the Germany.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    countries formed a world organization play a greater role in world affairs.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Victory in Europe.
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    A code name for the A-bomb.
  • Heroshima

    US drops A bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaci.
  • Truman Doctrine Adopted

    Truman Doctrine Adopted
    Adocter named after president Tuman to contain communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    To beat communism and strengthen democracy.
  • Division of Germany

    Division of Germany
    The soviet were angrey because the western Allies help rebulid west Germany's economy.
  • NATO

    The US, Canada and ten other countries formed a new military alliance called the north Atlantic treatyn orgainzmation.
  • Wasaw Pact

    Wasaw Pact
    the soviet union responded by forming ots own military alliance, the warsaw pact.