Upland California -
Started playing T-ball at Ontario Western
Started dance classes
Father Passed Away
After my dad passed away I started going to therapy becuase my mother thought I was too young while this happened and wanted the best for me.Going to talk to a stranger and understanding what had occured was really difficult for an eight year old to go thru and i thought i was really helpful now looking back. -
Competivite Dancer at Dellos
Dancing was my stress relief that really helped me escape from my troubles, -
High School Softball Team won League
Playing a sport really help me stay on track with school and be an active person. -
First Job at Baskin Robbins
I wanted to have my own money and be more responisble. -
Graduated From Ontario HIgh School c/o 2012
First day of college attending ASU
Got my Bid to Kappa Kappa Gamma
Joining a sorority has really made me get out of my comfort zone and has brought me amazing people in my life. -
Attended Title IX Event at Arizona Biltmore
This event really opened my eyes on how much support and rights women have now.