survival words

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi party
    adolf hitler became leader of the nazi party in january 1921, this is the moment he started his reign of fear
  • Joseph stalin sole dictator of russia

    Joseph stalin sole dictator of russia
    in 1929 joseph stalin became the sole dictator of communist russia (USSR) he ruled russia alone until his death in the 50's his reign over russia was astounding, he made great military advancements including ordering the production of nuclear weapons.
  • Benito Mussolini is appointed Prime Minister Italy

    Benito Mussolini is appointed Prime Minister Italy
    benito mussolini becomes prime minister of italy, he did not put his devastating plan into action until years later
  • Japans army seizes manchria, China

    Japans army seizes manchria, China
    Japan ignored all warning from the league of nations and attacked china, the city manchira was lost but the country was still strong, japan had a long way to go if they where going to conquer china
  • hitler becomes chancellor germany

    hitler becomes chancellor germany
    hitler becomes chancellor of germany which gives him full power over the military, government, and economy he pretty much is a dictator.
  • us congress passes neutrality act

    us congress passes neutrality act
    congress passes an act which allows the US to be neutral but provide support to countries in the war
  • Italian army invades Ethiopia in Africa

    Italian army invades Ethiopia in Africa
    Italy invades Ethiopia as an act of war, they also invade due to their natural resources
  • militarist take controll of japans goverment

    militarist take controll of japans goverment
    with the militarists taking over, japan is turned into a boot camp, many healthy and young men are recruited to the military
  • hitler sends troops to rhineland of germany in violation of the treaty of versilles

    hitler sends troops to rhineland of germany in violation of the treaty of versilles
    hitler violates the treaty of versailles by sending troops to rhineland
  • Japan’s army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people.

    Japan’s army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people.
    Japan brutally murders chinese men, woman, and children,they are not just trying to take the land, they are also trying to make a point that japan is superior.
  • Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Germany

    Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Germany
    this allowed germany and czechoslovakia
  • Nazis begin rounding up Jews for labor camps

    Nazis begin rounding up Jews for labor camps
    jew are rounded up and put into ghettos or put on trains and sent to labor camps/ concentration camps.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin

    Nazi-Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin
    Germany and Russia had an agreement that they would not go to war with each other, of course this pact was broken by hitler
  • Nazis invade Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Nazis invade Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany
    britain and france uphold their promise from the treaty of versailles and end up reopening the western front, france was quickly defeated though.
  • Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium – take control

    Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium – take control
    at this point in the war where the germans really started to put europe on its knees
  • Battle of Britain begins – Royal Air Force defeats German Air Force to prevent invasion of their island

    Battle of Britain begins – Royal Air Force defeats German Air Force to prevent invasion of their island
    The battle of britain was a series of air raids on britain, dive bombers and heavy bomber destroyed cities setting them ablaze
  • Germany invades France and forces it to surrender

    Germany invades France and forces it to surrender
    germany destroys france in an all out battle, france is quickly defeated
  • First time Peacetime Draft in US

    First time Peacetime Draft in US
    this draft is for military purposes, they know an attack may be imminent so they prepare millions of troops for battle in the pacific and germany
  • Hitler breaks Pact with Stalin’s Russia and invades - USSR which now joins England in fighting the Germans

    Hitler breaks Pact with Stalin’s Russia and invades - USSR which now joins England in fighting the Germans
    russia and germany start the fighting again the was is brutal, germans plow through parts of russia with ease but are soon meet with an unstopable force
  • Churchill and FDR issue the Atlantic Charter

    Churchill and FDR issue the Atlantic Charter
    churchill and FDR set up a plan for how the war in the atlantic will go
  • japanese invade French Indochina (Viet. Laos, Cambodia)

    japanese invade French Indochina (Viet. Laos, Cambodia)
    the japanese invade indochina, and use it to corner parts of china and use it to recruit troops that are originally from japan
  • Pearl Harbor in Hawaii attacked by Japanese Naval and Air forces, US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy declare war on the US - Dec. 9

    Pearl Harbor in Hawaii attacked by Japanese Naval and Air forces, US declares war on Japan,                      Germany and Italy declare war on the US -  Dec. 9
    japan does a sneak attack on the US in pear harbor sinking and damaging ships, also germany and italy go to war with the US
  • Philippines fall to Japanese – Bataan Death March

    Philippines fall to Japanese – Bataan Death March
    prisoners march for days and mark hundreds of miles to death camos where they await hell
  • Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps

    Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps
    Japanese american where put down as national security risks, this angered most of the japanese americans but they knew if they tried to resist it would put their family in danger
  • Battle of Midway, turning point of war in the Pacific

    Battle of Midway, turning point of war in the Pacific
    The battle of midway is the true turning point in the war in the pacific, this deadly battle had many lives lost on both side along with many ships, kamikaze pilots took out ships like the hornet and the lexington, we took out japanese armada ships, including the agaki
  • Russians stop Nazi advance at Stalingrad save Moscow

    Russians stop Nazi advance at Stalingrad save Moscow
    The battle at stalingrad was a bloody battle millions of men and civilians where killed in the battle, this battle save moscow and it allowed the russians to go on the offensive
  • British and US forces defeat German and Italian armies in North Africa

    British and US forces defeat German and Italian armies in North Africa
    Patton and his army along with british armies put the germans and their leader the desert fox on their knees, they plow through germany and then moves up into italy and then germany
  • zoot suit riots

    zoot suit riots
    zoot suits where common among young latino-american boys/ men, during the war they got a lot of backlash from wearing these stylish suits, they got the backlash mainly from military service men because of the amount of material used in them which could be used to make military uniforms or parachutes
  • italy surrenders, mussolini dismissed as prime minister

    italy surrenders, mussolini dismissed as prime minister
    Italy is invaded and suffers a large and brutal defeat as the allied forces move to invade germany, mussolini is over thrown and escapes to the mountains where later he is executed at a gas stations and hung upside down
  • D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies

    D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies
    The allies have a massive invasion on the beaches of normandy to mark the start of the invasion of europe, 3 countries plus french resistance members attack german strongholds and fight to gain control of normandy
  • Paris retaken by Allies Forces

    Paris retaken by Allies Forces
    paris is quickly retaken by the allies, they used paris as a strategic military strong hold
  • Battle of the Bulge – last offensive of German Forces

    Battle of the Bulge – last offensive of German Forces
    this was the turning point in the was for the germans, they went from holding their ground to loosing, the us pulled through against all odds
  • US forces return to recapture the Philippines

    US forces return to recapture the Philippines
    in an all or nothing fight against the japanese the us try to recapture the philippines, they end up succeeding
  • FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President

    FDR dies, Harry S. Truman becomes President
    FDR dies after being in office for 3 1/2 terms, he brought the country out of the depression and into the war, he was just one of many lives claimed during that war (he dies of an illness nit assassination)
  • V-E Day, war ends in Europe

    V-E Day, war ends in Europe
    the war ens in europe, hitler is dead, mussolini is dead, and the US can concentrate all their power on japan
  • First Atomic Bombs dropped

    First Atomic Bombs dropped
    The first atomic bomb is dropped on hiroshima, after many weeks of warning japan.
  • V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied Forces

    V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied Forces
    after the atomic bombs being dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, japan had little left to fight for so they surrendered
  • War Crimes Trials held in Nuremberg, Germany; Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.

    War Crimes Trials held in Nuremberg, Germany; Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.
    War crimes where committed by every axis power, so war trials where held for high ranking officials