6500 BCE
Skull found showing first signs of surgery
Skulls found in France show signs of a rudimentary surgery called trepanation -
Period: 6500 BCE to
Timeline of Surgery -
Jan 1, 1540
The United Barber-Surgeons Company
Barber-surgeons performed tooth extractions and blood letting. -
First Transfusion of Human Blood
First Public Use of Anesthesia
The patient was conscious but felt no pain during the procedure to remove a tumor in his neck. -
First Successful Heart Surgery
Performed in Provident Hospital, Chicago. The surgery repaired the pericardium, the sac around the heart. -
First X-ray perfomed
performed in Germany. -
Antibiotics Discovered
The First Successful Organ Transplant
The kidney recipient rejected the organ after eight months. -
Baby Fae survives 21 days after being transplanted with the heart of a baboon.
Baby Fae was born with hypoplastic left-heart syndrome with is almost always fatal. This transplant extended her life by 21 days. -
World's First Full-face Transplant
Performed in Spain -
Nerve Transfer
A nerve transfer procedure gives a paraplegic patient the ability to move their hand.