Super Women

  • Eugenie Clark

    Eugenie Clark
    Born May 4, 1922 in New York City
  • Historical Events

    Historical Events
    The US Supreme Court rules that organized baseball is a sport and not a business.
  • Historical Events

    Worst tornado in U.S. history hit Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana causing 689 deaths.
  • Historical Events

    In 1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed.
  • Historical Events

    The Pentagon is completed and becomes the largest office building in the world.
  • Eugenie Clark

    She went to the Pacific Ocean as a research assistant in 1947.
  • Eugenie Clark

    Finished school with her Ph.D. in Zoology from New York University in 1950.
  • Eugenie Clark

    Eugenie Clark
    Wrote a book called Lady with a Spear which was published in 1953.
  • Eugenie Clark

    Became a director of a marine biology laboratory in Florida in 1954.
  • Eugenie Clark

    The laboratory moved to Siesta Key in Sarasota, Florida in 1960.
  • Eugenie Clark

    Started teaching marine biology at the University of Maryland in 1967.
  • Historical Events

    Richard M. Nixon announces he will resign the next day, the first President to do so.
  • Historical Events

    Historical Events
    Space shuttle Challenger explodes after launch at Cape Canaveral, Fla., killing all seven aboard
  • Eugenie Clark

    Retired from her job in 1992.
  • Historical Events

    Mad cow disease makes an appearance in Europe.
  • Historical Event

    Florida continuously gets hit with hurricanes.
  • Historical Events

    California's Supreme Court rules that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry.
  • Historical Events

    Osama Bin Laden is pronounced dead in 2011.
  • Eugenie Clark

    Her last research project about mysterious deepwater triggerfish was published in 2015.
  • Eugenie Clark

    Eugenie Clark
    Eugenie Clark was pronounced dead on February 25, 2015 from complications from lung cancer.