Summer 2015

  • Bonfire

    I went to a really big bonfire after school got out. We got to burn all of our books and notes from the year.
  • Africa Trip

    Africa Trip
    I got to go on a mission trip in Africa for two weeks and hang out with some little kids and just play games with them. I also got to help build spots for freash water in one of the villiages.
  • Orlando Macaron Trip

    Orlando Macaron Trip
    I went to Orlando for a week to try all these diffrent french bakeries to try their Macarons.
  • Dominican Republic

    Dominican Republic
    I got to go to Punta Cana with some old friends from North Carolina and spend a week on a resort with them.
  • Imagine Dragons

    Imagine Dragons
    I got to go the Imagine Dragons concert for my sisters birthday.
  • Camp

    I went to Warren W. Willis camp this summer for a week.
  • Wisdom teeth

    Wisdom teeth
    I had to have my Wisdom teeth removed this summer. By far the worst part of summer.
  • North Carolina trip

    North Carolina trip
    I got to go back home to North Carolina and visit my friends and family.
  • Middle School Camp

    Middle School Camp
    I work at my old middle school, Polo Park, every summer to help the 6th graders feel ready to start and help get classrooms set up.
  • Disney Night

    Disney Night
    Every summer my church hosts a party for kids with cancer and we do a theme the kids want. This year they wanted us to dress up like Disney characters. All the kids wrote down their favorite chracter and we dressed up as one.