Summative Assesment

  • 3100 BCE


     Period of the civilization
     Location :north africa and southern asia
     Religious perspective :They bivileve in many gods like ra the god of hell the honas etc..
     2 main innovations or discoveries :the writting and the pyramids
     Social organization :pharaoh,goverment oficials,soldiers,scribes,merchants,artisans,farmers,slaves and servants
     2 main activities :Build pyramids and thier bilivies
     Recorded language used :modern estandar arabic
  • 10 BCE

    Paleolithic age

    Paleolithic age
     Period of the civilization :10.000 B.C
     Location: Estearn Africa
     Religious perspective:Belive in Animism
     2 main innovations or discoveries:Tools of hunting
     Social organization :there is not
     2 main activities:hunting and fishing
     Recorded language used:Paleo-European lenguages
  • 10 BCE

    Neolithic Age

    Neolithic Age
     Period of the civilization
     Location : locomeran-shaped region of the moddle east
     Religious perspectivebelieved that all the elements of the natural world, like animals, forests, mountains, rivers, and stones, had self-consciousness
     2 main innovations or discoveries :The bronce and the agriculture
     Social organization :Priests,nobles,merchants,farmers,slaves
     2 main activities:agriculture and creation of tools with bronce
     Recorded language used:They dondt have a written leanguage
  • 4 BCE


     Period of the civilization
     Location :Located middle east
     Religious perspective : they believed the divine affected every aspect of human life
     2 main innovations or discoveries : the wheel and plow another method of agriculture
     Social organization :king,uper class,middle class,lower class,and slaves
     2 main activities :inventions and agriculture
     Recorded language used :Sumerian babilonian
  • 2 BCE


     Period of the civilization
     Location :Asia
     Religious perspective :They bilive that cows are a very important animal and they never eat one
     2 main innovations or discoveries :ruler and flush toilet
     Social organization :bhramin,kshatryia,vaishya,sudra,untouchables
     2 main activities :belives and iinovating
     Recorded language used :harappan
  • 1 BCE


     Period of the civilization
     Location :south east Asia
     Religious perspective :The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism
     2 main innovations or discoveries :paper,printing
     Social organization :emperor,government officials,nobles,peasants,merchants,slavews
     2 main activities :build,and make huge amont oif soldiers
     Recorded language used :mandarin