Grammar-Translation Method/Classicl Mehtod
Focus on grammatical analysis, little to no attention to context & pronounciation. Obtaining knowledge instead of the development of a skill -
Period: to
Grammar-Translation Method/Classicl Mehtod
The Direct Method
Presented in target language is the priority. Inductive grammar illustraion. Pronouncation and oral expression are very important. Established in German and France around 1900. In 1970s, it was adopted by Berlitz and Inlingua in internaitonal schools. -
Cognitive Approach
Oral communicative cometence became the fouc. -
Period: to
Cognitive Approach
The Audiolingual Method
Repetition is emphasized. Three drills: chain drills, substitution drills and repetition drills. -
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The Audiolingual Method
The Natural Communicative Approach (Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen)
Aural comprethesion; Early spech production - "Silent Period"; Speech activites, "total imersiton is first introduced. -
Community Language Learning (Charles A. Curran)
It is designed to ease the learner into gradual independence and self-confidence in the target language. This is also known as the Counseling-Learning method. -
Total Immersion Technique
Teach all subjects in target language. The goal is to foster bilingualism. Other goals are the cognitive advantages of bilingulism. -
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Seggestopedia (Georgi Lozanov)
Period: to
Community Language Learning
The Silent Way (Calb Gattegno)
Teaching is subordinated to learning. -
Seggestopedia (Georgi Lozanov)
Build relaxed setting in order to maximize retention. Arts are incorporated as much as possible. -
TPR (James Asher)
Learners achive language acquisiton by physically responding to oral commands given in the target language. Studetents attain an increased proficiency in the target language and also develop basic essential speaking skills