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Sulfa drugs
if the sulfa had not been synthesized probably could not have been known to use today gives -
if the Bayer laboratory had not begun to perform tests with prontosil perhaps would not exist today sulfa drugs -
if the investigadors had not patented his discovery probably would not have recovered your investment -
Official comunication
If the first official communication about the discovery of sulfa drugs has not been published perhaps any other researcher could have continued with research -
Sulfanilamide disaster
if sulfa absence had not occurred the elixir sulfanilamide disaster that killed 100 people by poisoning -
if the disaster of sulfanilamide had no occurred had not been regulated and passage of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic -
if the laboratories had not demonstrated the effectivity of sulfa drugs probably not have produced thousands of tons of sulfa drugs for distribution in every world -
if the doctor shad not conducted experiments with sulfa perhaps american soldiers had not been saved by the infection of various injuries -
if the Nazis had not experimented with the sulfa drugs in prisoners may not be known for its high effectivity -
Wonderful invention
if don't exist sulfa drugs today, billions of people would have died from systemic infections worldwide, which demonstrates how necessary it was this wonderful invention