The Marriage Boom
The portion of married Americans rose to unprecedented sizes. -
Santa Ana Freeway
This freeway was built to connect Los Angeles to its suburbs. -
Levitt and Sons annoounced their plan to build 2,000 rental homes for GI's in Long Island, New York. -
Shelley Vs. Kraemer
The U.S. Supreme Court rules that a state can not enforce any restrictive laws that would prohibit a person from owning property based on race. -
Levitt Expands Buisness
Levitt and Sons began to build "ranch" styled homes instead of rental properties. The became easily affordable by young couples. Levitt and Sons rejected any African American or non white prospective buyers. -
"Levittown Pennsylvania"
The construction of rental homes in Pennsylvania. -
Eisenhower creates Interstate Highways
The Federal Highway Act was signed initiating the construction of 40,000 miles of interstate highways over the following thirteen years. -
The Baby Boom
The birthrate of the United States increased dramatically to 25 births per 1,000 individuals. 4.3 million babies were born throughout the year. The death rates plummeted as medical innovations eerged. -
"Levittown" in New Jersey
About 12,000 homes were constructed in Township of Willingboro in Burlington County, N.J.