invention of the cotton gin
Eli Whitley realized that farmers in the south were craving a way to make growing cotton actually profitable. So he set out to find a solution to the very time-costly method of picking the green sticky seeds of the cotton plant from the actual cotton itself. The result was a crude machine that essentially filtered the seeds from the cotton. https://www.eliwhitney.org/7/museum/eli-whitney/cotton-gin -
The Missouri Compromise
The Missouri compromise was the solution to the problem of growing tension between antislavery people and pro-slavery people due to the request Missouri to officially make slavery legal in the state.So, the result was the drawing of an imaginary line that divided pro-slavery states and antislavery states, so that there were an even amount of states with slaves and the same amount of states without slaves. http://www.history.com/topics/missouri-compromise -
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Underground Railroad
The underground railroad was a network of people who helped slaves reach the free states located in the north. This was very significant for the slaves and by the year 1850, it was estimated that as many as 100,000 people.www.historynet.com/underground-railroad -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner was a slave that led a rather effective, long term rebellion against the white south. But the result of the rebellion was an addition of laws that even further banned education & the assembly of African American slaves. http://www.history.com/topics/black-history/nat-turner -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot proviso was a proposed ban to aimed to terminate slavery in the new region gained by the U.S from the Mexican War .The proposed ban did not go through and the significance of this was it even further aggregated the tensions of Freestaters and pro-slavery.https://www.britannica.com/event/Wilmot-Proviso -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas is the term that refers to very brutal events between free-staters and proponents of slavery between the six years of 1855-1861. This all occurred while Kansas was still becoming a state.www.history.com/topics/bleeding-kansas -
Brooks-Sumner Event
One of the craziest events happened in senate history when a member of the house of representatives knocked out another in the senate chamber as a result of when Senator Charles spoke about is Kansas was going to be a free state or not.https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/The_Caning_of_Senator_Charles_Sumner.htm -
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Dred Scott Decision
A slave that was previously located in the free state of Missouri named Dred Scott believed that he was entitled to emancipation because he was in a free state before Missouri turned into a slave state. This was significant because the judge disagreed and said that black could not petition to the courts for their freedom.
www.history.com/this-day-in-history/dred-scott-decision -
Secession of Southern States
The 21 states to the north of the border and the border states themselves continued to be recognized as the U. S. And the states south of the border (Arkansas, Virginia, Tennessee, & North Carolina) were regarded as the Confederate States of America.http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/secession