Fruit sorter
I will have done a Fuit sorter in sofware with image recognition for 3 different fruits by April 27 -
Period: to
Protocol review
We will be modificating the protocol of 'Trabajo terminal', and May 8th we will have finished the redaction for the 2nd review. -
Running cycle
I will be analyzing the running cycle of 5 persons, and I will have known if the physical attributes are the corrects for do a conclution. -
We will be doing a document for patent using the guide of IMPI(instituto mexicano de la propiedad industrial). -
I will be explaining information of Marks(patents) at 4 o´clock. -
3D reconstruction
I will be capturing images of skull for do a sofware reconstruccion in 3D. -
Recognizer of veins
I will be working in the harware and a system for recognizer veins on arms, I will have delivered it by may 8 -
Chemical electromeditions
We will be doing a electronic system for do Chemical electromeditions (Glucometer), and we will have deliver before May 22