Cultural Roots of Suay See

By SuaySee
  • The Beginning of My Life

    The Beginning of My Life
    Today was an important day, because it was the first day of my life. A day prior to this day, the elders in the small village that my parents lived in had tried their best to help my mother give birth, but they were unable to. This is when my parents decided to travel miles by foot with relatives to get to the nearest hospital. After arriving at the hospital in Mae Suai District of Thailand, I arrived.
  • Coming to America

    Coming to America
    On this day my family and I were so excited, because we had just arrived in America. We landed in Las Angeles, and were greeted by my grandparents and relatives on my father’s side. This was a very significant moment in my life, because this day will forever change my future beliefs, culture, traditions, and perceptions.
  • Starting school in America

    Starting school in America
    Today, I started school for the very first time. This was definitely a cultural shock for me, because I had never been to school. Luckily, my cousin was in the same class as I was so that made me feel a bit better. I had to adjust to this new environment. It was not easy, since I couldn't understand a word that anyone was saying or knew what was expected of me. As time went by, I started enjoying school and created new friendships with people outside of my own culture.
  • Bed Time Prayers, Stories, and Songs

    Bed Time Prayers, Stories, and Songs
    I still remember till this day the prayers, stories, and songs that my grandparents would share with us (grandchildren) before bed. I believe these traditions have kept our family, culture, and religion close to our hearts. Without these moments I wouldn’t know how to recite our Lahu (ethnicity) prayer, know what’s right from wrong (entailed in the stories), and would have a different view of life and family.
  • Giving Thanks

    Giving Thanks
    Around December 25th-30th, we would give thanks to elders by taking baskets of food to their home. These elders are usually your close grandparents, in-laws, or parents if you no longer reside with them. In the baskets, there are usually cooked rice, fruits, and drinks (usually water or tea). This act was a form of respect for the elders.
  • New Year Celebration

    New Year Celebration
    New Year celebration was always fun. Although the celebration is not the same as the one in Thailand, we did our best to celebrate it with what we had and the people within it. The event is always five days long (always ending on Jan.1). During this time, we all join together to pray, sing, and dance around a traditional tree that resembles Life. We would also dress in our Lahu traditional clothing as we celebrate. While parents are doing this, the children are involved in activities and games.
  • Beginning of a New Journey

    Beginning of a New Journey
    As we get older and fully understand or commit to our beliefs in God and Jesus Christ (our savior) we would get baptized. This was an important moment in my life, because this symbolizes my understanding and commitment to my beliefs. Being baptized would also mean that I would act consciously and treat elders with respect. This moment gave a new meaning to life.
  • A New Mother

    A New Mother
    At the age of 17, I gave birth to my first child. Being a teen mother may not be the norm for other cultures and may also be frowned upon, but this was no surprise to the Lahu culture. This was actually the norm. For the Lahu people, women/young ladies would give birth to their first child at around the age of 13-15. For new mothers, it was also a cultural belief that it would be a bad omen to have any spices or any meat other than white chicken meat. Thus, I had that for a whole month.
  • Commitment

    On this day, my husband and I got married. This was a significant moment, because it symbolizes new life and commitment. The ceremony would begin by a prayer from the elders. Then, the elders would acknowledge our marriage. After the acknowledgement there were more prays. Finally, we would have a big feast.
  • Achievement

    This was the year I graduated from college with a career that I’ve been working so long and hard for. It was such a big moment, because I was the first of my family to graduate college. This moment was an opportunity that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t come to America and had all the life experiences that I had. This was a proud moment for my family.