Find topic to do project on--plate Tectonics
First article found
finding articles
REading articles
Look into current lesson plan
Compare What I have planned to what articles are saying
Reading artivles
ok and resting -
Still reading Articles
Getting confused as to what I have read and not read -
Comparing lessons to readings
Revamping the upcomming lessons
Review students work and compare to articles
Prepping for Mondays boundary lesson
Uploaded class video--each took almost an entire day
Attempted to work on Review
Attempted to work on paper
Writing paper stuck on page 4
Finish paper and works CITED
Tried to review articles do not know password
Reviewed Lessons---icky
MORE sleep--avoid bad teaching videos
Lit Review----got an easy one---man they will have a lot to write on mine
mas sleeep
Finished Grant without any notes on first one---heres to hoping
began pullin glesson plans together
Write rationale
Pulled together student data
reviewed my reviews
read reviews and begin to edit lit review
review previously submitted work
Edit Lit review
Realize how scattered my writting is
Look for lesson videos
Began rewriting my rationale
mailed Videos
Figured out i had done the last paper WRONG
Begin to RE...EDIT
ok, I wrote horribly ...redo AGAIN