Plan for the Semester (student example)

  • first day on program

    meet with your peers and get max reps for weights and discuss​ your goals for this class
  • Day 1

    1)start with running half a mile, shouldn't take more than 10mins.
    2)move to the leg press and do three sets of ten with a weight of 55, leave a 30-45 second rest between each set
    3)move to the leg extenstion, 3 sets of 10 with a weight of 25
  • Day 2

    Arm day: start with chest press- 3 set of 10 reps at 25 pounds
    bench press- 3 sets of 10 reps at 20 pounds
    bicep curl- 3 sets of 10 reps at 10 pounds
  • Day 3

    cardio: run a mile in under ten minutes, 1.5 minute rest, jump rope for fifteen minutes, 1.5 minute rest, suicides for 8 minutes 1.5 minute rest, slow jog/speed walk for remander ten minutes
  • Day 4

    core: 3 sets of 15 Russian twists, 3 sets of 20 leg raises, 3 sets of 20 crunches, 3 sets of 45 second center planks, 3 sets of 30 second left side planks, 3 sets of 30 second right side planks
  • Day 5

    rest all muscle groups
  • final day in class

    find your max reps, they should have improved by at least 10%