
Student Congress at VCHS

By EveHill
  • Joined the Team!

    Joined the Team!
    Almost a week before the first meet, I decided to join Student Congress. This lead to a road of success and failures, but throughout my congress career, my writing and speaking skills have dramatically improved. In addition to those important skills, I was able to learn more about how laws are passed and how they correspond to current events around the world
  • First Tournament!

    First Tournament!
    At my first tournament, nobody placed or got an award. I ended up speaking my first speech, about setting school start times two hours later. I spoke that speech for 20 seconds, and the minimum time for a speech is 30 seconds. I was surely disqualified, but this speech sparked my interest for student congress.
  • First Success!

    First Success!
    During my first two tournaments, I had no success. While I was prepping for state, something changed with my work ethic. I made the decision to write and speak seven speeches. At the state meet, I was able to speak 5 out of seven speeches. I ended up placing 8th and earned 41 out of 50 points. While my success was noteworthy, Abby Slyter and Maggie Oberlander tied for first place and were able to earn a spot on the Wall of Champions outside of the cafeteria.
  • Achievement Earned! Year Two!

    Achievement Earned! Year Two!
    With my success from the year prior, I decided that I would try Student Congress again. At my first meet during the second year, I was able to snatch victory and I placed 5th. This lead to me becoming enthusiastic about Student Congress, and I started to put more time and effort towards it.
  • First Presiding Officer! (Maybe the only time)

    First Presiding Officer! (Maybe the only time)
    During my second meet during 2017, I was voted by my peers to serve as presiding officer. Even though I wasn't the best presiding officer, I was able to exposed myself to Parlimentary Procedure. This was the first time that a presiding officer was chosen from Valley City since 2006. I wasn't the only one with success, as Abby Slyter was also chosen by her peers to serve as presiding officer. As an award for winning presiding officer, the student earns a gavel, and I was able to earn a gavel.
  • Year 3 Comes Around!

    Year 3 Comes Around!
    Even though I didn't place at the state meet, I decided that I would join for a third year. During the first tournament, I didn't speak any speeches and I didn't place. I came to the realization that I could place at tournaments if I put in the effort. This lead to a year of success.
  • First Place!

    First Place!
    Before the second tournament, I decided that I would start writing speeches two weeks before the tournament. I stayed up writing speeches until 11, and my work didn't go unnoticed. Even though I was only able to speak 4 speeches, I was able to earn first place. In addition to that, my resolution that I wrote was voted in to debate at the state tournament. Even though my success was noteworthy, Lily Kiefert mirrored my success and also earned first place.
  • State Meet!

    State Meet!
    Before the state meet, I decided to write speeches the day before the tournament. While I only had five before debating, I was able to write 6 more during the tournament. At the state meet in 2018, my resolution unfortunately failed and was lost on a vote of 1-23. While my resolution failed, I was able to earn 3rd place and tied with Aurora Ziniel. Other noteworthy victories were Monisha Terry placing 8th and Maggie Oberlander being voted presiding officer in the Senate House.
  • Success with Other Teammates

    Success with Other Teammates
    During National Qualifiers Tournament, I didn't speak any speeches, so I wasn't able to move on to the final rounds of debate. On the other hand, Aurora Ziniel was able to move on to the final rounds of debate. In the Senate House, Lily Kiefert and Monisha Terry were also able to move on to the final rounds of debate. While I didn't earn any victories in NFLs, our team has a lot of potential for next year.
  • Closing

    With the next years to come, our team has strong speakers and I believe that we will be able to snatch victories. With the recent success I've earned, I don't think I'll quit Congress any time soon. The VCHS Student Congress team has a very successful group of speakers and I believe that we will be able to bring a teammate to Nationals before the end of my high school career.