Student Cases

  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker 7-2
    Students free speech is protected unless it causes a substantial disruption to the discipline and educational function
  • Wisconsin v. Yoder

    Yoder 7-0
    Free Exercise clause was violated (doesn't apply to non-Amish students)
  • New Jersey v. T.L.O.

    New Jersey 6-3
    Students' right to privacy is lower than the rights of individuals outside of schools to quickly address disciplinary problems and safety
  • Hazelwood School District v Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood 5-3
    A school newspaper is not a public forum, so schools have reasonable authority over its content
  • Santa Fe ISD v Doe

    Doe 6-3
    The prayer violates the Establishment Clause because the school was extensively involved
  • Pottawatomie v Earls

    Pottawatomie 5-4
    a warrantless search is constitutional in public schools when supported by special needs like the need to prevent drug abuse
  • Elk Grove USD v. Newdow

    Elk Grove USD 8-0
    Newdow was not a custodial parent and therefore didn't have standing to sue. (3 concurring opinions said prayer was Constitutional.)
  • Morse v. Frederick

    Morse 5-4
    Did not violate free speech because it was a school-sponsored event, and students do not have the same rights as adults