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struggels againts the Turks

  • 1389

    Battle of Kosovo

    Battle of Kosovo
    Murad I defeated the Serbs, Sigismund organized an European crusade.
  • 1396

    Battle of Nacopolis

    Battle of Nacopolis
    defeat because of the weakness of the chivalry
  • 1402

    Lost of Galabóc

    Sigismund almost died
  • 1442

    Battle of Hermannstadt

    Hunyadi János defeated the Turks
  • 1443

    Long Winter Campaign (1443-1444)

    aim is the liberation of the Balkan
  • 1444


    Evacuate Serbia and part of Bosnia
  • 1444

    Battle of Varna

    Battle of Varna
    Władysław died here
  • 1448

    II. Battle of Kosovo

    II. Battle of Kosovo
    Hunyadi János lost
  • 1453

    Constantinaple was conquared

  • 1456

    Seige of Belgrade

    Giovanni Capistrane led an insurrection in the south