
Structure of different Civilisations

  • 2560 BCE

    Pyramids of Giza

    Pyramids of Giza
    The Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest. It took 2 million blocks to build it concluding about 2560 BC.
  • 5 BCE

    Acropolis of Athens

    Acropolis of Athens
    The Acropolis which stands in Athens is the most historical monument in Greece. It is also known as the Golden Century of Athens. The Acropolis was made out of Pentelic marble and was made out of the best craftsmen of the era. It was largely destroyed by wars.
  • 400

    Ancient Epidaurus

    Ancient Epidaurus
    This theatre was constructed in the 4th century AD by the architect Polykleitos. The Ancient Epidaurus had famous plays acted.
  • 720

    Colosseum in Rome

    Colosseum in Rome
    The Colosseum was the largest architecture in Rome.It was built during the Flavian Dynasty by the order of Emperor Vespasian in the 72 AD and finished by his son Titus in the 80 AD. It was a place of entertainment for everyone.
  • Medieval Fortress of Nafplion.

    Medieval Fortress of Nafplion.
    It is constructed on top of a big rock in the town in Greece. It has protected the towns from the wars and invasions. It was constructed in the 17th century by the Venetians.