7 Seconds
At this point in time, the water has proceded to gliding don the channel,we made succesfuly and smoothly, twistinng and turning at every point of meander we wanted it to. As it go's (along the channel), it wets the sand in the channel, as well as the outter sand nearby the channel, or around it. If ytou study the video under close inspection (and in zoom), you will notice this too. -
18 seconds
At 18 seconds, water is nearing the houses, and in an expected 10 seconds shall reach on or more. -
1 minute, 39 seconds
The water had so far glided down along the channel, but has now breaken off our made channel and is flowing down one of it's own, located near the right. -
30 seconds
At the point of 30 seconds, the water is nearing the houses, infact has touched some of it already, when it breaks th channel its flowing down and flows through one of it's own, meandering to the left. -
2:55 seconds
The water has stopped, meaning that the water in the flood cup has completly drained, and poured itself onto the sand. -
3:11 seconds
We stopped the stopwatch. By this time, houses have been knocked over, buried halfly into the sand, and more. Altogthere, there are a total of two channels, or pathways. -
4 Seconds
At the point of 4 seconds after pouring the water into the flood cup, the water immeditaly started to soak up the sand at the top of the streamtable. However, instead of imeditaly fowing down the finger-made channel that we made, it instead (like we said once before) started to wet the majority of te sand at the top of the steam table. -
40 seconds
Landslide has occured and deposition has also taken place. Also, at this poin in time, water has reached the hole in the bottom of the stream table and is now collecting in the gray bucket.