The day I got tested for mono and realized I had it.
On a Monday morning i woke up with a sore throat but I decided to just ignore it and go to school. School didn't even start yet and I felt as if I was gonna pass out so I just left when the bell was about to ring and walked back home. I thought I just had strep and a fever so I insisted that I didn't have to go to the doctors. My mom made me go anyways and I got blood tested for mono and got a phone call around 6pm that I was diagnosed with it. I didn't know wht it was so I wasn't concerned. -
The day after I found out I had mono
So the next morning I felt completely worse so in order to resolve anything I just spent a good hour researching about this sickness. As I was reading I instantly knew I was in for some trouble so I decided to prepare for the worst syntoms that were yet to come. Preparing is key because it will help you in the future after it passes by. -
Week into having mono
After a week into having mono I was in trouble for sure as I was really struggling to get anything done. All I would do is lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. I consideried this as the worst sickness I have every experienced. It's way worse then what I read so I was caught of guard. I realized I was in a bit of a struggle right now so I tried to think as much as I could to resolve this unexpected conflict in my life. -
Reason why this was a good decision
This was a really good decision because when I focused on thinking before saying it helped me gain everything back. I stopped being as shy and talked without even caring that I will mess up. I guess I just got so distracted with thinking before saying it made me wanna practice talking more and I practiced so much to the point where I was back to the old me before I got mono. I didn't know that a sickness could effect a persons life like it effected me. I learned from this now so I'm good to go. -
Mono has passed but a bigger problem just entered my life.
After mono I thought everything was gonna be good again. But I was completely wrong because my social skills have crashed down. They crashed down so badly due to me staying inside for 2 weeks straight super sick. I didn't talk to anyone really. This is a conflict for sure that I needed to resolve fast because I didn't wanna keep going to school being awkward and other stuff. Lots of my communication skills just went then and I just had to reevaluate my life at that point. -
The one thing that stood out to me the most
The one thing that I completely failed at was me not being able to think before saying. It seems like it should be the easiest one but I don't know how I can't succeed with it. I just am overall completely lost when I'm talking to someone and sometimes I feel like it's someone I'm close with so I'll say something "rude". So once I realized that. This skill for me was for sure the worst it was the only thing I worked on and that was probably the best decision I could've made. -
Working on skills of active listening, clarification, and reflections
These 3 skills are very important into having a good conversation with somebody. Active listening was probably what I mostly paid attentioned to because whenever someone would start to talk I would be so interested then fall off later on. I used to be such a good active listener back then though so I felt as if this stage of me not being able to do these skills won't last long. Sometimes i would also be confused but wouldn't bother to question them. It's important too know the conversation! -
In the end of all of this
So in the end of all of these bumps and turns, I learned so much from my mistakes. I learned that it's always good to stay in contact with people everyday and just basically talk because it really helps if you talk everyday. If you talk everyday then you'll never have to worry about anything ever happening to your communicating skills. It's just always good to know what these skills are and what they can do for you. After learning them and reading I became successful with all of my problems.