BIOL1315 pre-req proposal
A proposal was generated by Brian Rash that would have required all students without a biology course for the past 5 years to be required to take BIOL1315 prior to entry into BIOL2310.
Result: Proposal not approved by ASHP Curriculum Committee -
Period: to
A&P DFW Strategies
Anatomy software review
A&P Faculty reviewed A&P software from different vendors, and submitted a report that concluded that ADAM would be the most appropriate. -
Title III awarded
Embedded A&P Tutors
A pilot program was initiated in SP12, in which a student tutor was charged with attending a specific A&P course, and students in that course were encourage to schedule individual and group tutoring sessions. Feedback was mixed; the tutor felt overwhelmed by the number of appts. that were made, and the majority of students did not take advantage of the program. Upon consultation with Lynn Browning, the program was terminated. -
A&P lecture-lab merge
A proposal to significantly alter the logistics of the A&P lab courses was was discussed with various faculty of health professions programs and nursing. This proposal has not progressed due to curriculum conflicts with those health professions programs that do not require A&P labs, are at this time hesitant to do so. -
Megan Simpson hired as A&P Lab Coordinator
Amit Mitra hired as A&P Faculty
MATH0315 co-req for CHEM1310
Implementation of a policy that requires students to be either (a) be placed in MATH1315, or (b) succesfully complete MATH0315, in order to enroll in CHEM1310. Since CHEM1310 is a co-requisite of BIOL2310, stduent in developmental algebra are not eligible to take BIOL2310. -
Readiness Test Proposal
A proposal to require the succesfull completion of a BIOL2310 readiness test was proposed. It's fate is yet to be determined. -
ADAM piloted in A&P labs
Assignments designed for specific topics covered in A&P labs. -
ADAM: A&P I lab
Starting SU13, A&P I lab will use ADAM A&P simulation software as the primary course tool for A&P lab instruction. The lab manual designed specifically for ADAM will be used for the first time. -
ADAM: A&P II lab
ADAM will be integrated into APII labs. -
BLRB used for A&P instruction
BLRB classroom and two A&P labs will be the primary facility used for A&P courses; the classroom will promote active learning styles and technology; the labs will promote the use of ADAM in the classroom.