HSHMC Staff Retreat
HSHMC Staff Retreat
This is where the whole staff re-commits to creating the best school in the universe. Staff commits to being leaders in technology. -
Meet with Technology Team
I would need to meet with the Technology Team first to understand what devices are being used and the current status of the server. From here, I could start collecting more data. Devices will range from Chromebooks, Laptops and iPads. -
Survey Social Studies Staff
As Social Studies Department Chair, I would suvery the staff on what devices they would most likely use as we create blended sociial studies learning tasks. What are any concerns or area of focus? This department is very qualified since all are LEADING EDGE Certified. Many are already using Haiku as their LMS, but the classes are not fully blended. -
Period: to
Strategic Planning for Implementing Online and Blended Programs
Strategic Planning for Implementing Online and Blended Program
9 months -
Department Meeting: Focus On Blended Learning Alignment
Teacher have already committed to becoming Leading Edge Certified at HSHMC. The next step is making sure that all the social studies courses align with similar blended assignments, tasks and projects. Plans are made and prepared to share at the all staff PD where the technology team will be doing a presenting on the how to make blended activities. Ideas and plans are shared. -
PD Technology Team with Content Specific Social Studies
In house review of what was decided blended learning would lool like in Social Studies. Technology team provides guided instruction on how to incorporate what our plans are to classroom environments. It is decided that having students work in rotations make it easier on the devices and alleviates the problem that there is not a 1:1 ration yet. Social Studies teacher continue to plan blended activities and share ideas. -
PLC and Learning Teams
PD- All Staff decides what technology topic they want to reaerach and study. These will be the PLCs and Learning Teams.
Reading and Writing
Math Fun
Discussin Board -
PLC Meet
PLC groups visit each others classrooms
Collect data to share -
Department Meeting with Curriculum Coach and Technology Team
More training on what Smarter Balanced Tests looks like and how teachers can start creating activities that align with this assessment. Common Core Standards are reviewed and teachers are allowed time to create more target activities arounds these points. -
PLCs Meet
PLC groups visit each others classrooms
Collect data to share -
PLC Groups Meet
PLC groups visit each others classrooms
Collect data to share -
Implement Blended Activities and Environment in Social Studies Classroom
Teachers start blending classroom activities and environment. Other teachers observe along with the technology team. Data is collected informally on what is working and what needs adjustments. Teachers plan to meet again to discuss results. -
Blended Activities Implemented in the Classroom
Teachers incorporate blended activities. Feedback is gathered informally from observation and completion from students and staff on how well the task was completed. There is a need to have more in house profession training on modifying and accommodating the blended environment for students with an IEP or other disabilities. -
All Staff PLC Meeting
After the PLCs and Learning Teams have meet for the last months, all groups will share their findings. -
Blended Activities Implemented in the Classroom
Teachers incorporate blended activities. Feedback is gathered informally from observation and completion from students and staff on how well the task was completed. There is a need to have more in house profession training on modifying and accommodating the blended environment for students with an IEP or other disabilities. -
Special Education Team and Technology Team Lead PD
Classroom Social Studies teachers practice modifying and accommodating the blended activities. Changes are made where needed. -
Digital Resource PD
All content areas are given resources that are available and approved. -
Blended Activities Implemented in the Classroom
Teachers incorporate blended activities. Feedback is gathered informally from observation and completion from students and staff on how well the task was completed. Modification and accommodations have been made to create a better blended environment for all students. -
Blended Activities Implemented in the Classroom
Teachers incorporate blended activities. Feedback is gathered informally from observation and completion from students and staff on how well the task was completed. Modification and accommodations have been made to create a better blended environment for all students. -
Student Survey
Students are required to complete a survey about the blended experience. What worked? What was frustrating? What helped? What was interesting? What devices are best? -
Staff Survey
Social Studies teachers complete a survey on the blended experience. What worked? What was frustrating? What helped you become a better blended teacher? What was interesting? What were the best devices? How do you see the program moving from here? -
Data Review and Program Adjustment
Data is collected and reviewed by the Technology Team and Department Chairs. How can other classes adopt this blended environment? How can the school become a more blended environment? Budget is reviewed based on what is needed for the next school year 2016-17. Are grade-levels ready to adopt blended learning environments? Should 11th grade be the focus since the SBAC is taken during that year? Is it supportive that non-tested content areas have college r -
Blended Rotation Stations
Teachers are incorporating Blended Rotation Stations