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Strategic Planning

  • OPERATIONS: Parent Information Sessions

    OPERATIONS: Parent Information Sessions
    Parents attend information sessions regarding the new 1:1 iPad program for the 4th-8th grade. Time will be used to answer parents' questions regarding the implementation of the program and how they can better support their students at home. Provide a survey to find out the best way to support them at home with this new program.
  • Period: to

    Strategic Planning

  • TEACHING: TOSA support with PD

    TEACHING: TOSA support with PD
    Technology TOSAS support staff by reviewing our district's LMS, Haiku. This is year two of our districut using this LMs, so they will provide review of usage and ways to continue/begin to implment it efficiently in their classrooms by using the SAMR model, emphasizing the 4 C's and implenting the CCSS's.
  • TEACHING: PD from TOSAS/Expert teachers

    TEACHING: PD from TOSAS/Expert teachers
    TOSAS and certain expert teachers collaborate to provide useful PD to other teachers.The PD will focus on exemplary, but simple, ways these expert teachers are already effectively implementing the blended model. Other teachers will get to see it and hopefully implement it in their classroom with the support of ther peers and the TOSAS
  • CONTENT: Teacher committee Adminstrators

    CONTENT: Teacher committee Adminstrators
    Administrators and a group of volunteer teachers from each site will look at the current blended/online standards (iNACOL), CCSS, and current content adoptions, as well as the district's vision/mission and plan the best way to implement them keeping the students' best interest in mind.
  • TECHNOLOGY: Bandwith Check

    TECHNOLOGY: Bandwith Check
    Insure that the upgraded network infrainstructure is supporting the bandwith needs of the new iPads that were added this year in the district
  • TECHNOLOGY: Device/Access check in

    TECHNOLOGY: Device/Access check in
    Ensure that the devices which are being used for blended learning are working efficiently, and that all students have access at home. Address home internet access issues for those students by providing more afterschool time in designated classrooms, or parnter them up with local organizations that will support them with this.
  • OPERATIONS: Quick check in with teacher/students

    OPERATIONS: Quick check in with teacher/students
    Provide a space for the teachers and students to share how they feel about the blended learning, what do they like and what would they like to change or adjust in the program. (Surveymonkey)
  • OPERATIONS Effective Communication

    OPERATIONS Effective Communication
    Teachers, parents, and students ensure that they are communicating effectively, so that the blended model works at its best. Parents and students will be survey through an online tool, and they will respond to simple questions regarding how effective communication has been.
  • TEACHING: Final PD

    TEACHING: Final PD
    Allow for a new group of expert teachers to present to other teachers effective ways to implement blended learning in their classrooms. Provide time for all teachers to share things they thought work and those that didn't work this school year by expressing their opinions on survey don online. (Give time during last PD)
  • CONTENT: Committee meets again

    CONTENT: Committee meets again
    Administrators and teacher committee meet to discuss things what worked based on the data gathered from surveys. Decided how effective the hardware and oftware that was being used has been. Help to collect most effective lessons that supported the 4 C's, CCSS, and the vision of the district/school and begin to decide what curriculum to purchase/upgrade for next year.