I was born
I was born on october 31, 1998. Most people should know that, thats the same date as halloween. i weighed in at 9 pounds and 3 ounces -
First steps
at 7 months i took my first steps holding on to objects and standing. -
First words
said "dada" and "ma" -
started walking and playing instruments
started to fully walk at 11 and 1/2 months. at 11 months started playing with the xylophone, piano and drums -
first day at school
started flagler montessori pre-school at age 2 years 10 months -
Learned to swim and play tennis
sang in my first choir
at age 6, first grade i sang in my first choir -
First solo
i opened the cristmas concert at my school with me singing the opening song -
teddy bear drive
organized a teddy bear drive for west palm beach fire department and kids in need. (the picture shows that i like teddy bears) -
1st place in dance competition
i irished danced when i was younger and won my first, first place medel. -
duke universtity talent program
4th grade and 5th grade got a special recognition for duke university talent program. -
accepted into bak
performed on carnegie hall stage
preformed at kennedy center washington D.C
Accepted into dreyfoos